The Board of Adjustment and Planning Commissions primary duties include hearing and deciding appeals from and review any determination made by the building official in the enforcement of the City of Worland's zoning ordinance. To grant variances pursuant to the requirements and restriction of the zoning ordinance when, by reason of exceptional circumstances, the strict application of which would deprive the owner of the reasonable use of the land or building involved. To hear and decide special exemptions (i.e. daycare facilities); to decide such questions as are involved in determining whether special exemptions are with such conditions and safeguards as are written under the zoning ordinance, or to deny special exemptions when not in harmony with the purpose and intent of the City of Worland zoning ordinance. In exercising the above-mentioned powers, the board may reverse or affirm or may modify the determination as ought to be made and to that end shall have all powers of the building official.
The board consists of five to seven members from a variety of occupations and interests. No elected or appointed state, county, or city official shall be qualified to be a member of the board during his or her term in office. The Mayor with the consent and approval of the city council appoints all members. All meetings are open to the public and are held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month at 12 pm at City Hall. If you would like to be added to the agenda, please contact Nancy Dellos at 347-2486.
The minutes for previous meetings are available to the public in the Building Department. The following minutes are in PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader will be required to view these documents, which is available free by clicking the link below.
The board consists of five to seven members from a variety of occupations and interests. No elected or appointed state, county, or city official shall be qualified to be a member of the board during his or her term in office. The Mayor with the consent and approval of the city council appoints all members. All meetings are open to the public and are held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month at 12 pm at City Hall. If you would like to be added to the agenda, please contact Nancy Dellos at 347-2486.
The minutes for previous meetings are available to the public in the Building Department. The following minutes are in PDF format. Adobe Acrobat Reader will be required to view these documents, which is available free by clicking the link below.